Sunday, July 26, 2020

Freshman Application Changes Part III - UGA Undergraduate Admissions

Freshman Application Changes Part III - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Freshman Application Changes Part III In reviewing the UGA admissions process and the information that we ask for on the application, we started looking at Part I and Part II of the application more closely. While the separation into two parts has worked well for UGA (and for the applicants), we want to make sure we have enough information from students during certain time periods in the admissions process. For instance, during the Early Action period, our focus is primarily on an applicants academic areas (grades, rigor of classes, test scores, etc.), but occasionally we need to look at the entire applicant. In addition, UGA is starting to expand our process of reviewing files for scholarship to include more review of an applicants extra-curricular activities. As such, we will be shifting a section of Part II of the application to Part I. We will be moving the Leadership and Activity Record section to part I, which includes a students school and community activities, athletics, honors and awards, work experience and summer activities. Part II will be primarily the four short essays, as well as a small section for any updated information for deferred students. This will not change the way we review EA or RD applicants, but it gives us more information if needed, and will eliminate the issue of EA students wanting to send in a resume. I repeat, this will not change the way we review EA or RD applicants. We also hope that this will make life a little easier for deferred EA applicants, as it will give you more time to focus on just the short essays, and will be quicker for you to complete part II now.